Hellenic Film Commission

ARKFX / Πανος Κονδύλης

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Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας
Μέλη Ομάδας
Special effects (SFX)
Εταιρικό Προφίλ
ARK FX is a one stop studio, specialising in makeup, prosthetics, concept design, digital and practical effects, based in the heart of Athens and in close distance with major studios of Attica. We have the most extensive international experience ( having worked in 8 European countries, Canada and Turkey) and we aim to provide the best services in Greece. Founded by Panos Kondylis originally in Paris in 2013, now with new owned property headquarters in Athens, talented and experienced in-house partners, as well as outsourcing partnerships and affiliates in Italy,Malta,Hungary & France.
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