Green Film Lab: Workshop in Athens. Application deadline: January 9, 2024

Green Film Lab

Workshop in Athens | March 5-8, 2024

Green Film Lab’s aim is to create awareness about sustainability in the film industry, through 3-day project-based workshops addressed to audiovisual professionals, as well as to sustainability consultants. It promotes environmentally sustainable practices in film production and gives film professionals a new perspective on how to apply a green protocol and achieve certification.

With the upcoming workshop taking place between 5th and 8th March 2024, Green Film Lab will reach Athens (Greece), thanks to the collaboration between Torino Film Lab/National Museum of Cinema, Green Film/Trentino Film Commission, Eave and Greek Film Centre/Hellenic Film Commission.

GREEN FILM LAB is seeking

  • ANY KIND OF FEATURE FILM AND TV SERIES PROJECTS from development to pre-production stage

GREEN FILM LAB is open to:

  • FILM AND SERIES INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS (producers / professionals from the production team, heads of department, writers, directors) interested in getting and improving their skills in sustainable practices on set, BOTH with a project (team of 2) OR without a project.
  • PROFESSIONALS WITH AT LEAST TWO YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT interested in learning how an audiovisual production is carried out, how to apply their skills to the audiovisual context and who want to build a professional network in the film and series industry.
  • DELEGATES from film institutions, funds and film commissions interested in knowing more about green set.

HERE to visit the detailed call for applications.

For more information, [email protected]

Throughout the workshop, each team will work and practice simulating the development of a sustainability plan to achieve green certification. The training course will be enriched by case studies and plenary sessions dedicated to different aspects of sustainability. The contents are based on the Green Film Rating System and on its two main features: the sustainability plan and the certification process for audiovisual projects. Each workshop, held in English, is open to 30 participants.

Among the pedagogical experts involved: the Head of Studies Giovanni Pompili – Italian producer and TFL alumnus, Louise Marie Smith (UK) – founder and managing director of Neptune Sustainability, Lucie Trémolières – French-based writer and director for all kinds of dramatic media with a special focus on different emotional responses to the environmental crisis and Dörte Schneider Garcia – Portugal-based experienced assistant director and green consultant.

Green Film Lab is organised by TorinoFilmLab and Green Film, promoted by the National Museum of Cinema and Trentino Film Commission, in collaboration with EAVE. Supported by Creative Europe – MEDIA program